No, really, anything he can use is a good choice. Plasma cannons and lascannons are generally pretty bad unless you've found a really nice relic version. Assault cannons are okay (needs to reload too often).

Uhh.Avitus now.Missle launchers are good.

Then run cyrus into the middle of the enemy and unstealth and set up a remote detonator. Also make sure to put enough melee points into cyrus to get him his smoke screen power. If you get his instant revive power, cyrus in stealth can turn disaster into a massacre. Cyrus in general is great if you can learn to use him. Other things: Demo packs are ludicrously damaging. Standards (and the rally power they give you) are just that good. In general, make sure you're using your abilities as often as possible, and note that your commander should be the last one to get into terminator armor. Also note that shooting>assault when it comes to bosses 90% of the time. I don't remember the boss fights in question, but in general, make sure you have a balanced team. Which is enough time for you to kill it, or so you hope.) (It makes the difference between a zoanthrope killing your squad in one shot or two. You won't notice it that much on normal or easy, but on hard or harder, the difference is astounding. Yes, the termie suits are broken in the beginning, but if you rush toward the mission where they're repaired, you'll have them back in no time.