Warhammer total war multiplayer campaign
Warhammer total war multiplayer campaign

warhammer total war multiplayer campaign

He tastes great weakness in the vortex - and great opportunity in its demise. The Witch King Malekith and his sadistic Dark Elf hordes spew forth from Naggaroth and their labyrinthine Black Arks.

warhammer total war multiplayer campaign

He, too, is intent on preventing cataclysm, though the methods of The Old Ones must prevail. Atop his palanquin-throne, the Slann Mage-Priest Mazdamundi directs his Lizardmen war-hosts as they surge northward from Lustria. He, too, is Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.

  • Summary: Prince Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan, guides the High Elves in their desperate efforts to stabilise the vortex as it roils above their home continent.

  • Warhammer total war multiplayer campaign